Exeter Green Spaces Network

Welcome to the Exeter Green Spaces Network website
Exeter Green Spaces Network comprises a number of community groups whose main focus is the enhancement and protection of publicly accessible green space in their neighbourhood.
Any independent community group with a main focus on protecting and enhancing their local green space can join the network.
Exeter Green Spaces Network exists to
Act as joint voice for green spaces groups, in dialogue with statutory and voluntary organisations that impact on green spaces.
Share knowledge, know how, experiences and resources across green space groups.
Be a ‘shop window’ for the public, for all of the green spaces groups in the city, enabling people to find their nearest group.
Provide support for anyone wishing to form a new green spaces group
Green Spaces Matter
Research has repeatedly confirmed what we know instinctively - that green spaces in cities are good for people and good for the environment.
As we live more (and longer) in man-made surroundings the conservation of nature in an urban environment has a direct impact on people. Green spaces serve as islands of nature, promoting biodiversity and providing a home for natural species in environments that may otherwise be uninhabitable due to city development. Green spaces increase health and wellbeing, reduce depression, improve physical fitness, provide recreational and volunteering opportunities, improve air quality, provide vital wildlife habitat, reduce urban temperatures in hot weather, provide a sink for carbon and help reduce flooding.
Exeter’s green spaces are under threat from a combination of reduced public funding and a significant increase in development. The city has already lost significant areas of green space to urban development.
We have formed Exeter Green Spaces Network to provide information to local communities to help you to preserve and care for your own local green spaces, as well as helping existing groups to help each other.