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Exeter Green Spaces Network
Sometimes the amount of paperwork involved in completing simple tasks is more complicated than the task itself. Hopefully having access to examples will mean forms can be reused just by changing a few details, making it easier to get out and start work in your Green Space.
The Basics
Any group which has a name and a small number of people who are committed to doing something, is, in legal terms, an 'unincorporated association'. The good news is that this, (usually with simple written terms of reference) is all you need to be to apply for certain grants, open bank accounts etc. So don't be put off by thinking that you have to have formal committees, 'trustees' or anything of that nature.
The next level of organisation would be either a charity or social enterprise, but many community groups, especially in their early stages, remain unincorporated associations.
Example documents for setting up and running a group
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