Exeter Green Spaces Network
Working with other organisations
Most Green Spaces groups will need to communicate with other organisations at times, whether it's requesting permission from the landowner, asking for support with loan of tools and equipment, finding people who might be interested in running activities, or anything else, these are some of the organisations who might be able to help.
Exeter City Council
Most of the parks, play areas and open spaces in Exeter are owned and maintained by Exeter City Council.
Information about parks can be found on their Leisure and Culture page.
Contact 01392 262630 or parks@exeter.gov.uk
Exeter City Councillors
Find your local Councillor here, they can support your group in many ways, including applications for ward grants, so it's worth staying in touch, letting them know what you're doing and seeing how they can help.
Devon County Council
If the Green Space you want to work in is beside a road then you will need permission from highways. If there are issues with or you are interested in cycling /walking facilities in your green space, this is also a county function.
General contact for highways queries is: highwayapps@devon.gov.uk if you are aware of a more specific contact for Green Spaces, please supply it to EGSN.
Devon Wildlife Trust
DWT can provide help and support with planting and wildlife activities. More information can be found on the DWT website
The Exeter Wild City Facebook page, (a partnership between DWT and ECC) has regular updates and news of interest to our groups.
DWT is in negotiation with Exeter City Council to take over management of some of the city’s Valley Parks - Ludwell, Mincinglake, Barley Lane and some of the River Valley Park. It is hoped the transfer will happen in 2018.
Exeter Community Forum http://exetercommunityforum.net/
This is the organisation that links and works for all community groups in the city. Most Green Spaces groups would be eligible to join, more information on the ECF website. ECF created the Exeter Community Strategy and mange the Grass Roots grants programme.
Active Devon
Supporting people in Devon to live more active lifestyles, including volunteering and activities in parks, Active Devon website.
Exeter Community Initiatives
ECI currently host the Community builder programme, which provides community facilitators who help local people make contact with groups like green space groups. ECI website. They also host the Ripple Effect who have volunteers who can help with work in Green Spaces.