Exeter Green Spaces Network
Social Media
All of our network groups rely on social media to some, or to a large extent, and most of us have learnt the basics 'on the job' as volunteers. If you are stuck, put out a call on the Forum page and someone should be able to help you. We have run one workshop already on how to use social media, and could run another if there was demand.
The main tools that our network groups find useful are:
Twitter - builds quick response, useful for reminders and short updates
Facebook - great for pictures and slightly longer 'stories' and news
Mailchimp - a free application that enables you to email nice looking newsletters to your signed up supporters, and also 'holds' all their contact details for you
Survey Monkey. Same company as mailchimp. Free easy to write surveys, though only up to 100 users.
Website - this site is a free Wix site, Wordpress is also free. Not too difficult to build reasonable website using these and you don't have to buy a domain name
IFFT (!). This is a free app that -for those who are ready for this - links your various social media channels so you don't have to do separate updates. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0YzRw1FgKE