Exeter Green Spaces Network
Council policy and issues
Exeter City Council owns and manages all or most of the city's parks including some parts of the valley parks. This means that council policy and actions on green spaces and parks are very important to our network groups and what happens in the spaces they work to protect and improve. Improving and building the working relationship between green space group and the City Council is one of the Network's key aims.
The City Council is working on a new policy for parks and open spaces over the summer of 2019. The draft consultation documents are here https://exeter.gov.uk/council-and-democracy/consultations-and-petitions/physical-activity-strategy-consultation/draft-strategy-documents/.
Exeter Green Space Network submitted a first response to the April 2019 consultation process. You can read EGSN's response to the April consultation here
Devon Wildlife Trust manage Mincinglake, Barley Lane and Ludwell Valley Parks, and part of the River Valley Park. They took these spaces over from Exeter City Council on May 1st 2019.