Exeter Green Spaces Network
Funding and donations
Depending on the size of your group and whether you have a bank account of your own, different sorts of funding might be more suitable. If you don't have a bank account, to receive your own funds, then a local Community Association or organisation might be willing to hold funds for you.
Groups can raise funds by asking members for a subscription, holding fund raising activities, sales and fetes, crowdfunding, or applying for grants.
Ward Grants
Most groups, working in Green Spaces in Exeter, will be eligible for a ward grant from their local Councillors. Do speak to them first, as they will have to approve your application and you will need an organisation with a bank account, even if this is another organisation who are willing to accept on your behalf, because they will not pay to individuals. More details about applying here.
Devon Funding News
Sign up here to get all the latest funding news for Devon.
Funding Central
Sign up with Funding Central to get updates about funding, it's free to subscribe if your group income is less than £100,000.
Grants Resources Information News does charge a subscription fee, but provides updates of all the latest grant providers and news, sign up here.